Membership News and Updates for April 2013

by Erin White

This section is devoted to YOU, our valued readers and members.  Here you can find out what's available to you when you join Florida SEE, and learn about the ways in which we say "thank you" for joining, including website features, webinars, and more!

DID YOU KNOW?  Membership has it's benefits! Free environmental education is just the tip of the iceberg.  When you're a member, you can add your tour operation's events to our calendar, list yourself and your services in our directory, and much more. 

If you or someone  you know wants to join Florida SEE, then click here to visit our New Membership Link.  Renewing your membership?  Click here to have an invoice emailed to you.

APRIL 2013 MEMBERSHIP UPDATE: Membership stands at 114 total Associate and Individual Members.  To our new members - Welcome!  And to our renewing members - welcome back!  Here are those to whom we're extending an extra "thanks" this month:

New Members:

    Individual: Lawrence Ben; Dion Duane; Marnette Fritz; Louis Hadad; Herman Watson; Charlie Wright;

    Associate: Travel Business Success

Renewing Members:

     Indificual: Theresa Schober

     Associate: Captiva Cruises; Lee County Parks and Recreation; Naples Transportation, Tours & Event Planning; Tropic Bird Ecotours

MEMBERSHIP BENEFITS: WEBINARS!  There are two events remaining in the EcoTour Provider Webinar Series before we break for summer - and we'd love to have you join us.

Tuesday April 23rd

6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

Charles Sobczak presents
"Saving Florida: Living on the Front Lines of Climate Change" 

CLICK TO REGISTER for this session.

Thursday May 30th

6:30 PM to 7:30 PM

John Kiseda presents
"Sustainable Business Practices ... BEING GREEN"

CLICK TO REGISTER for this session

You can find more detailed webinar descriptions by visiting this page:  2013 EcoTour Provider Webinar Series Registration

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The Florida SEE Grapevine - April, 2013

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